Lifelong education courses accredited by the MEYS

Processing of rubber compounds

This is a paid accredited educational program. The main goal of the course is to learn the basic knowledge of rubber technology and to master the procedures for the production of rubber compounds as well as rubber, taking into account the desired final properties of the rubber and thus ensure the general basic knowledge needed in the daily production of rubber components. The sub-goals are mainly to master the basic relationships of individual rubber raw materials in relation to the processing process and especially to the resulting properties of the rubber mixture as well as rubber. And then master the experimental analyzes characterizing the properties of rubber compounds and rubber to create a feedback loop to understand the formulation of the recipe of rubber compounds. Last but not least, a partial goal is to understand the connections between theoretical knowledge and practical needs and procedures in rubber production in industry.

Entry requirements: secondary education with matriculation exam (4-year study) in relevant fields

Duration:  2 semesters - in total 300 hours (theoretical teaching 119 hours, practical teaching 181 hours)

Form of education : face-to-face (working days 8:00 a.m- 4:00 p.m.)

Venue: Centre of Polymer Systems, třída Tomáše Bati 5678, 760 01 Zlín

Organizer:  University Institute - Polymer Systems Center

Start date:  winter term 2023/2024

Price: 90 000 Kč

Minimum number of students to open a course: 5 

Acceptance of applications:  more information by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Plastic processing technologist

This is a paid accredited educational program. The main goal of the course is to gain knowledge about the processing and use of commercially available polymer materials. The participants will have an idea not only about the essence of the recipes of polymer materials, but also about the material properties and their characterization. During the course, they will gain practical experience with the preparation of polymer materials, with the characterization of their properties, with the preparation of plastic products using basic processing procedures and with the characterization of the useful properties of the final products. A partial goal will then be the mastery of the basic relationships between the raw materials used, the process conditions of individual processing technologies and the resulting properties of the prepared products.

Entry requirements: secondary education with matriculation exam (4-year study) in relevant fields, medical fitness

Duration: semester -  in total 152 hours (theoretical teaching 62 hours, practical teaching 90 hours)

Form of education : face-to-face(working days 8:00 a.m- 4:00 p.m.)

Venue: Centre of Polymer Systems, třída Tomáše Bati 5678, 760 01 Zlín

Organizer:  University Institute - Polymer Systems Center

Start date:  summer term 2023/2024

Price: 95 000 Kč

Minimum number of students to open a course: 4

Acceptance of applications:  more information by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Laboratory technician analyst

This is a paid accredited educational program. The program is aimed at acquiring knowledge and practical skills in the field of a selected group of analytical methods. Techniques and methods are first discussed theoretically, then the acquired knowledge is practically applied in laboratory exercises. The content of the laboratory exercises is focused on typical tasks for the given methods, and the teaching is conducted with regard to the practical aspects of achieving the standard output of the analysis, as well as to the problems that the participant may encounter (troubleshooting). The goal of the program is for the course participants to gain a comprehensive foundation and experience from work in the laboratory and to practically master the individual selected methods, including knowledge of their principle, function and instrumentation, sample preparation, measurement methods, the typical form of the result and its processing and interpretation , familiarization with common applications and selected examples of relevant standards.

Entry requirements: secondary education with matriculation exam (4-year study)

Duration: semester - in total 200 hours (theoretical teaching 92 hours, practical teaching 108 hours)

Form of education : face-to-face (working days 8:00 a.m- 4:00 p.m.)

Venue: Centre of Polymer Systems, třída Tomáše Bati 5678, 760 01 Zlín

Organizer:  University Institute - Polymer Systems Center

Start date:  winter term 2023/2024

Price: 90 000 Kč

Minimum number of students to open a course: 5

Acceptance of applications:  more information by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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