Development of the Application Potential in the Field of Polymer Materials in the Context of Implementing Circular Economy Principles (POCEK)
Registration Number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_021/0009004
The aim of the project is to establish and develop the application potential of the Polymer Systems Center in the field of research and development of new materials and technologies to implement sustainable development strategies and circular economy principles, which have practical applicability. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the application sphere, represented by project partners BASF spol. s r.o., EPS biotechnology s.r.o., and SPUR a.s.
The main goal of the project is to establish and develop the application potential of the Polymer Systems Center in the field of research and development of new materials and technologies to implement sustainable development strategies and circular economy principles, which have practical applicability. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the application sphere, represented by the project partners BASF spol. s r.o., EPS biotechnology s.r.o., and SPUR a.s.
KA2: An activity will be carried out to verify the applicability of research results (achieved or anticipated) and transfer practical knowledge and experiences between the research and application spheres. To this end, a new working platform will be created at CPS – the CPS Industrial Advisory Boards, bringing together staff from the Technology Transfer Center of UTB, representatives of CPS expert teams, and representatives of industrial partners (primarily project partners and also representatives of other external organizations). The involvement of young researchers and doctoral students as observers is also anticipated to enhance their competencies in the collaboration with industry.
KA3: This will involve applied research in collaboration with entities from the application sphere under the title "Polymer Materials and Technologies in Circular Economy."
KA4: Joint project proposals will be prepared in all areas related to polymer materials and technologies, with an emphasis on their role in the circular economy. These proposals will be developed in collaboration with representatives from the application sphere. These activities will build on the mutual insights and outcomes of the research project.
KA5: The infrastructure will be modernized, and necessary equipment will be acquired to expand the scope of applied research, with a focus on the publication and application potential of the results.
KA6: Representatives from the application sphere will be involved in teaching activities, including supervising student theses, primarily within the implementation of doctoral programs and other study programs relevant to the thematic focus of the project.
The project "Development of the Application Potential in the Field of Polymer Materials in the Context of Implementing Circular Economy Principles (POCEK)" is co-financed by the European Union.
The Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS)
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