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Final state exams and defences of theses underway at the Centre of Polymer Systems


28 May 2021 – State exams and thesis defences are in full swing at CPS. On Friday, 28 May 2021, Maliheh Amini Moghaddam successfully defended her dissertation thesis dedicated to systems of supply of drugs for medical applications.  Ing. Petra Válková and Ing. Miroslava Dušánková have met with success, too, having passed a state doctoral exam.

Petra Válková’s focus is biodegradable materials for packaging applications while Miroslava Dušánková addresses bioactive polymeric systems using essential oil ingredients. For both of these promising scientists, the theses are not only theoretical papers; indeed, they will also have practical effects in developing products in the real life. The students’ achievements have been supervised by prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D. CPS wishes to extend its congratulations!

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