The field of research in environmental materials and technologies includes the development, characterization and processing of polymer systems in particular that are capable of specific interactions with the environment, such as the ability of a material to undergo biodegradation or, on the contrary, resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.
Another area of interest of the research group is the use of natural and renewable resources, specifically biologically active substances, biomass or inorganic components, for further application in practice with the expectation of new added value of the product. Research activities include detailed characterizations of the developed materials, which in this case requires a multidisciplinary approach comprising areas of scientific disciplines such as chemistry, physics, microbiology, ecology and the necessary processing technologies.
Within the Centre of Polymer Systems and cooperation with practice, the research group also ensures the operation and professional development of analytical and microbiological laboratories.
RP/CPS/2024-28/002 - VResearch on environmental technologies of polymer materials for sustainable development, 2024-2028
Principal Researcher: RNDr. Eva Domincová Bergerová, Ph.D.
Research into environmental technologies of polymer materials for sustainable development represents the effective evaluation of available biomass components with added value and the careful management of waste polymer materials leading to the creation of new products or the use of appropriate recycling technologies aimed at reducing waste within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and principles green chemistry (GCH).
HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-35-TWO-STAGE, HORIZON-IA (HORIZON Innovation Actions) BioPackMan - 101178576-2 Biodegradable Packaging Materials Advancing Circularity, Sustainability & Eco-Innovation
SS07020443 - Bio-degradable materials for increasing seedling resistance to drought
Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) -Sustainable production of Cellulose-based products and additives to be used in SMEs and rural areas
TQ05000002 - Fully Bio-based Advanced Filtration Systems for Removal of Emerging Pollutants from Water BAPUR, 2024-2027
HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01 - Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption
DRP0200194 „Plan C Moving PLastics and mAchine iNdustry towards Circularity“, Danube Region Programme
FW10010547 -Procession of plastic recyclates towards vacuum shaped products, 2024-2025
TQ03000235 - Project Sigma - Research and optimization of the processing properties of polymer recycles for their reuse in textile applications -2024-2025
SS06020282 Ecological recycling of biopolymers - 2023-2025
TN0200051 National Centre of Competence - Polymer Materials and Technologies for the 21st Century (2023-2028)
FW03010006 Permanent protection of touch screens to prevent the deposition of organic pollutants on their surface (cooperation with Fortes interactive, SYNPO a VUT Brno) - 2021-2024
FW06010527 A new generation of nanostructured pleated filters for collective and personal protection of the population (cooperation with SPUR, a.s.) - 2023-2025
CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000413 Research and development of a drinking water filtration unit - 2023-2026 -
FW01010588 - "Filters for removal of biologically active molecules from the drinking water", 2020-2022
QK1910392 – „Environmentally friendly soil conservation materials for the crop production intensification based on renewable resource“, 2019-2023
TH02020836 - "Development of novel environmentally friendly packaging with added value for food applications", 2017-2020
TH03020117 - "Conductive materials and their application for antistatic and dissipative treatment of the paper and polymeric products", 2018-2021
TJ02000269 - "Nanostructured filtration materials for elimination of arsenic in water", 2019-2021
FV10756 - "Development of polymer carriers in sub-micro and nano-forms", 2016-2020
FV30048 - "New additives for multifunctional modification of polymeric surfaces", 2018-2021
8JPL19031 - "Development of novel additives for thermoplastic processing of biodegradable polymers", 2019-2020
8J20PL026 - "Biodegradable polymer nanocomposite systems with improved thermal and mechanical properties", 2020-2022
Ing. Jitka Dostálková, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1740
Ing. Petra Dröhsler, Ph.D.
Ing. Veronika Hanuliak, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1735
Ing.Lenka Harantová, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1749
Ing. Dušan Kimmer, CSc.
+420 57 603 1735
Ahmed Mostafa Alazb Aly Nasr, M.Sc. Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1749
Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1742
Ing. Monika Strašáková
+420 57 603 1749
Ing. Simona Uhercová
Ing. Andrea Poláchová, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1735
doc. MgA. Martin Surman, ArtD.
+420 57 603 6407
Muhammad Yasir, Ph.D.
The Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS)
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