Nanomaterials and Advanced Technologies
RP/CPS/2024-28/007 - Nanomaterials and advanced technologies for technological and socio-economic challenges of sustainable future, 2024-2028
Principal Researcher: Ing. Michal Machovský, Ph.D.
The main research objective is to achieve excellence in two areas, namely (1) nanomaterials for sustainability of the material base, transformation of the chemical industry and mitigation of the transition from fossil fuels to renewables, and (2) advanced materials for aviation and space, which represent the most demanding challenges of high-tech application and at the same time sustainability, from which sub-topics of material research, usable in secondary sub-projects with application partners, are traditionally derived and split off.
FW10010207 - Intelligent Thermotropic Coatings for Thermal Management of Buildings (in collaboration with Rokospol a.s.), 2024-2026
Principal Researcher:Ing. Michal Machovský, Ph.D.
The main goal of the project, carried out in collaboration with the primary recipient, Rokospol a.s., is the research, development, and successful testing of a globally competitive, advanced ecological coating system of a new generation. This system will feature intelligent and repeatable changes in optical properties, which will repeatedly alter in response to temperature changes. As the temperature rises, the light transmission will decrease, and vice versa. This change will be cyclically repeatable. The thermotropic behavior of the system will enable thermal management of buildings, including both facade and roof surfaces, as well as influence the transmission of light and thermal radiation through glass components.
The main outputs of the project will be three proofs of concept and one verified technology. The project will also produce two secondary outputs—articles in peer-reviewed journals.
The project "Intelligent Thermotropic Coatings for Thermal Management of Buildings" is co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the Program TREND. This project is funded under the National Recovery Plan through the European Recovery and Resilience Facility.
SQ01020347 - Research, development and optimization of the production process leading to the reduction of the release and content of new contaminants in spunmelt nonwovens (principal researcher PF Nonvowens, s.r.o.), 2025-2028
TQ15000001 - Gas permeability and tightness in FFF rapid prototyping, 2025-2026
TQ15000379 - Carbon nanodots as functional and marking fillers for polymer systems, 2025-2026
LUABA24039 - Development of magnetoactive elastomeric SurfAces with controlled wettability for functional Liquid ManipulatiON - SALMON, 2024-2026
Global Seed Funds - The design and synthesis of highly active metallosilicate microspheres for olefin metathesis., 2024-2026
CA22131 - Supramolecular LUminescent Chemosensors for Environmental Security (LUCES), 2023-2027
CA22147 - European metal-organic framework network: combining research and development to promote technological solutions (EU4MOFs), 2023-2027
FW10010207 - Intelligent thermotropic coatings for thermal management of buildings, 2024-2026
LUAUS23085 - Synthesis of new highly active metallosilicate catalysts for olefin metathesis -2023-2026
LTT20010 -Surface functionalized glass: Concept of heterostructured nanoparticles inspired by arteficial photosynthesis, 2020-2024
FW06010191 Research and development of solar reflexive coating system for enhancing the energy performance of buildings (cooperation with ROKOSPOL a.s.) - 2023-2025
GA23-07244S Anisotropic Magnetorheological Elastomers with Controlled Electrical Properties - 2023-2025
GA23-07361S Synthesis of gold nanoparticles for SERS and catalysis guided by selectively oxidized polysaccharides 2023-2025
TP01010006 - "Commercialization at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín II", 2020-2022
IGA/CPS/2021/002 - "Preparation and characterization of nanocomposite systems"
FV40377 - "Research and development of a biocompatible material for controlled drug release and transport into the cornea“, 2019-2022
FW01010620 - "Research and development of materials and technology of small batch production of structural and sealing elements“, 2020-2023
GA19-23513S - "Towards new electroluminescent materials: Borane cluster compounds in thin polymer films within an electric field“, 2019-2021
GA19-23647S - "Investigation of correlation among cation distribution, particle size and physical properties of intelligent spinel ferrite nanomaterials“, 2019-2021
7AMB16AT033 - " Fiber-reinforced polymers with an integrated network of carbon nanotubes", 2016-2017
FR-TI3/424 - " Electroluminescent films for emergency interior lightning", 2011-2014
GP14-32114P - " The modification of magnetic filler and the study of its use in magnetorheological systems", 2014-2016
GA16-05961S - "Advanced carriers for platinum drugs", 2016-2018
GA17-24730S - "Novel magnetorheological elastomers based on modified magnetic fillers", 2017-2019
TA01011211 - " Research and development of functional properties of components of passive safety of automobile vehicle passengers using innovative polymeric materials and production technologies", 2011-2015
TH01011438 - "Development of polyurethane matrices for composite production - PURKOMP", 2015-2017
TG03010052 - "Commercialization at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín", 2016-2018
European Regional Development Fund - OP EIC
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004549 - "Non-flammable systems according to EN 45545 for composite fabrication“, 2015-2020
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0005090 - "Stenopeic opening for presbyopia correction", 2015-2019
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_321/0025211 - "Research and development of new generation of anticorrosive pigments multiplying the protection of metal surfaces with emphasis on their environmental and rational economic efficiency", 2021-2023
prof. Ing. et Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Sedlačík Michal, Ph.D.
Hassan Ali, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 5102
Anju, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 5102
Ing. Tereza Čapková, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1727
+420 57 603 1733
Andrei Munteanu, M.Sc., Ph.D.
+420 57 603 8027
Rajendran Blessy Pricilla, M.Sc., Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1712
+420 57 603 1733
Chrysanthi Maria Antoniou, MSc.
+420 57 603 8128
Ing. Abdulkadir Bozarslan
+420 57 603 1373
Ing. Jan Fatr
+420 57 603 1373
Vanamoorthy Mariappan
Nithiya Hanna Wilson, M.Sc.
+420 57 603 1721
The Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS)
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