RP/CPS/2024-28/003 - Sustainable applications of advanced polymer systems, 2024-2028
Principal Researcher: Ing. Tomáš Plachý, Ph.D.
The aim of the project is the modification and processing of polymer systems with regard to ensuring the required resulting material and useful properties when using advanced processing technologies. The objective effort will be to replace classic synthetic polymers with sustainable raw materials and materials obtained from recycling processes (e.g. waste materials and intermediate products) or renewable sources (e.g. PLA, PBAT, PBS, natural particle systems).
TQ15000300 - Flexible side emitting lightguides, 2025-2026
GA25-16538S - Unconventional piezoactive particles for highly efficient mechano ATRP method, 2025-2027
TK05020036 Project Théta 5 - "Halogen-free safety electrical cables meeting the requirements of LOCA of the latest types of nuclear power plants and the latest requirements for fire safety according to European and national legislation (CPR EU/305/2011, EN 50575, CSN 73 0895); cooperation with PRAKAB PRAŽSKÁ KABELOVNA s.r.o.)" - 2023-2025
FW03010465 Project Trend - Technological production scrap as an innovative material source in a process of production of nonwoven textile (coopeartion with PEGAS NONWOVENS a PFN-FIC) - 2021-2025
FW06010324 Project Trend - Reduction of the carbon footprint of non-woven fabric especially for disposable hygienic and medical applications (cooperation with PFNonwovens Czech s.r.o.) - 2023-2026
NPRP13S-0127-200177 GreenHouses for Qatari Climate: Energy Saving Smart and Sustainable Phase Change Materials (Green3SPCM), 2022-2024
GA22-33307S Development of novel 3D hierarchically structured polysaccharides and proteins porous systems - 2022-2024
TE01020216 - The project of Competence centre “Centre of advanced polymer and composite materials” in consortium of Tomas Bata University and 5 companies, 2012 – 2019
FV20088 - “Development of novel formulations for modification of asphalt mixtures using recycled polyvinylbutyral”, 2017 – 2019
Ph.D. students
prof. Ing. Tomáš Sedláček, Ph.D.
prof. Mgr. Aleš Mráček, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Antonín Minařík, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 5166
doc. Ing. Martina Polášková, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1727
doc. Ing. Petr Smolka, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 5166
Ing. Markéta Ilčíková, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1728
Ing. Přemysl Fajkus
Ing. Danila Gorgol
Ing. Karolína Kocourková, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 5108
Ing. Erika Pavlíková, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1730
The Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS)
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