RP/CPS/2024-28/006 - Competent development of the Rubber Technology research direction at the Centre of Polymer Systems in the area of the impact of tire abrasion particle emissions on the environment, 2024-2028
Principal Researcher: Ing. Martin Stěnička, Ph.D.
The aim of the project is to expand the professional competence of the research direction Rubber Technology (GT) at the Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS) in the area of the influence of tire abrasion particle emissions on the environment so that CPS and this research direction gain an international reputation as an excellent research workplace that possesses interdisciplinary competence in understanding materials engineering combined with environmental protection.
CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000682 Development of a new ecological anti-noise barriers - 2024 - 2026
TH80020008 Modelling Wear of Intrinsically Self-Healing Elastomers for Reduced Particle Emission and Improved Lifetime Performance in Future e-Mobility Concepts - 2022-2025
8E15B007 - project of cooperation between the Czech Republic and Bavaria entitled “Experimental investigation on rubbers´ mechanical behaviour under fatigue loading conditions including chemothermomechanical aging”, 2016 – 2017 (partner – Universität der Bundeswehr, München, Germany).
Ph.D. students
doc. Dr. Ing. Radek Stoček
+420 57 603 4920
Ing. David Rebenda, Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Zádrapa, Ph.D.
+420 57 603 1747
Ing. Ondřej Peter
The Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS)
třída Tomáše Bati 5678
760 01 Zlín
tel.: +420 576 031 720
tel.: +420 739 078 222
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