OP JAK (POCEK) - Programme Johannes Amos Comenius

Development of the Application Potential in the Field of Polymer Materials in the Context of Implementing Circular Economy Principles (POCEK)

Registration Number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_021/0009004

Brief Description of the Project

The aim of the project is to establish and develop the application potential of the Polymer Systems Center in the field of research and development of new materials and technologies to implement sustainable development strategies and circular economy principles, which have practical applicability. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the application sphere, represented by project partners BASF spol. s r.o., EPS biotechnology s.r.o., and SPUR a.s.

Project Goals and Activities

The main goal of the project is to establish and develop the application potential of the Polymer Systems Center in the field of research and development of new materials and technologies to implement sustainable development strategies and circular economy principles, which have practical applicability. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the application sphere, represented by the project partners BASF spol. s r.o., EPS biotechnology s.r.o., and SPUR a.s.

KA2: An activity will be carried out to verify the applicability of research results (achieved or anticipated) and transfer practical knowledge and experiences between the research and application spheres. To this end, a new working platform will be created at CPS – the CPS Industrial Advisory Boards, bringing together staff from the Technology Transfer Center of UTB, representatives of CPS expert teams, and representatives of industrial partners (primarily project partners and also representatives of other external organizations). The involvement of young researchers and doctoral students as observers is also anticipated to enhance their competencies in the collaboration with industry.

KA3: This will involve applied research in collaboration with entities from the application sphere under the title "Polymer Materials and Technologies in Circular Economy."

KA4: Joint project proposals will be prepared in all areas related to polymer materials and technologies, with an emphasis on their role in the circular economy. These proposals will be developed in collaboration with representatives from the application sphere. These activities will build on the mutual insights and outcomes of the research project.

KA5: The infrastructure will be modernized, and necessary equipment will be acquired to expand the scope of applied research, with a focus on the publication and application potential of the results.

KA6: Representatives from the application sphere will be involved in teaching activities, including supervising student theses, primarily within the implementation of doctoral programs and other study programs relevant to the thematic focus of the project.

The project "Development of the Application Potential in the Field of Polymer Materials in the Context of Implementing Circular Economy Principles (POCEK)" is co-financed by the European Union.

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CirkArena EN


Porject name:                                            CirkArena

Project registration number:            CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000045

Grant provider:                                         Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Operational program:                            Operational Program Just Transition (OP ST)

CirkArena is a planned modern center supporting the circular economy in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Its main goal is to transform the region into a model of sustainable development, focused on research and efficient use of industrial waste such as slag, dust, bio-waste and construction materials.

The project will contribute to the transformation of the region by maximizing the use of secondary raw materials, supporting the sustainability and modernization of enterprises, and connecting industries, which will lead to a reduction in waste and support a circular economy. CirkArena is part of the broader SMARt And Green District (SMARAGD) initiative, which integrates the areas of materials, energy, environment and IT with the aim of ensuring a sustainable future for the region. More information about the initiative can be found here: https://www.smaragdova.cz/. This project is co-financed by the European Union.

Composition of the project consortium:

Project leader

Materials and Metallurgical Research Ltd.

Project partners

Research and development:

College of Mining - Technical University of Ostrava
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Czech Technical University in Prague
Institute of Chemical Processes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.
Brno Technical University

Education and awareness:

Institute of Circular Economy, z.ú.
Smart & Open Base for Innovations in European Cities and Regions, z.ú.
Czech Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry

Public sector:

Statutory City of Třinec
Regional Council for Development and Cooperation with its registered office in Třinec
Moravian-Silesian Innovation Center Ostrava, a.s.


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Zenodo is a repository for storing and publishing scientific datasets which often accompany scientific publications.

TBU recommends using Zenodo for scientific data, especially of larger sizes.

  • author does not pay any fees for data storage
  • long-term sustainability  of the project ensured by CERN
  • facilitates compliance with FAIR principles
    • records are assigned a DOI identifier
    • rich options for metadata description of the record
    • integration into the OpenAIRE infrastructure
    • options for selecting the dataset license
  • dataset size up to 50 GB per record

Instructions for uploading a dataset

After registering and logging in to Zenod:

1) Request to include the record in the UTB community. The community manager will automatically approve author requests from TUB within a few days.

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3) Typically you don’t have a DOI assigned to a dataset yet and you want Zenodo to assign a new DOI to it. Select “No”.

4) Select the record type “Dataset” and fill in the name of the data set.

5) If the data has already been previously published, indicate the date of the first publication. Otherwise, enter today’s date.

6) Fill in the creator of the result in the Creators section, possibly in the Contributors section. For each author, look for TBU in the list of affiliations and then manually write the English name of the faculty/part of TBU.

7) Describe the dataset. How was the data collected or measured? What methodology was used or where is it described? What lab equipment was used?

8) As an author within the meaning of copyright law, choose a license granting the public the right to use and distribute this data. We recommend choosing a permissive license with the obligation to mention you as the author: “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International”.

9) Select keywords that describe the data.

10) Select the funding source. Search for the provider in the list and fill in the grant code, its name and, if applicable, the URL link.

11) If you publish a scientific article based on this data, please include its DOI here.

Example of recording. Details on individual items are listed below.

Click image to enlarge.

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Zenodo is a repository for storing and publishing scientific datasets which often accompany scientific publications.

TBU recommends using Zenodo for scientific data, especially of larger sizes.

  • author does not pay any fees for data storage
  • long-term sustainability  of the project ensured by CERN
  • facilitates compliance with FAIR principles
    • records are assigned a DOI identifier
    • rich options for metadata description of the record
    • integration into the OpenAIRE infrastructure
    • options for selecting the dataset license
  • dataset size up to 50 GB per record

Instructions for uploading a dataset

After registering and logging in to Zenod:

1) Request to include the record in the UTB community. The community manager will automatically approve author requests from TUB within a few days.

2) Upload the data files.

3) Typically you don’t have a DOI assigned to a dataset yet and you want Zenodo to assign a new DOI to it. Select “No”.

4) Select the record type “Dataset” and fill in the name of the data set.

5) If the data has already been previously published, indicate the date of the first publication. Otherwise, enter today’s date.

6) Fill in the creator of the result in the Creators section, possibly in the Contributors section. For each author, look for TBU in the list of affiliations and then manually write the English name of the faculty/part of TBU.

7) Describe the dataset. How was the data collected or measured? What methodology was used or where is it described? What lab equipment was used?

8) As an author within the meaning of copyright law, choose a license granting the public the right to use and distribute this data. We recommend choosing a permissive license with the obligation to mention you as the author: “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International”.

9) Select keywords that describe the data.

10) Select the funding source. Search for the provider in the list and fill in the grant code, its name and, if applicable, the URL link.

11) If you publish a scientific article based on this data, please include its DOI here.

Example of recording. Details on individual items are listed below.

Click image to enlarge.

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National Recovery Plan Project

National Recovery Plan Project

SS07020443 - Bio-degradable materials for increasing seedling resistance to drought, 2024-2026
prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D.

FW10010547 - Procession of plastic recyclates towards vacuum shaped products, 2024-2025
prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D.

FW10010207 - Intelligent thermotropic coatings for thermal management of buildings (cooperation s Rokospol a.s.), 2024-2026
Ing. Michal Machovský, Ph.D.

TN0200051 National Centre of Competence - Polymer Materials and Technologies for the 21st Century (2023-2028)
Prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D.

SS06020282 - "Ecological recycling of biopolymers" - 2023-2025
prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D.

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  • Hits: 244

prof. Ing. Michal Sedlačík, Ph.D.

prof. Ing. Michal Sedlačík, Ph.D.


576 031 709
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Michal Sedlačík deals with smart composite systems that react by changing their physico-chemical properties to external stimuli, which can be electric or magnetic fields or light pulses. These systems can find their application in many sectors, such as, among others, e.g. damping systems (not only in the automotive industry), absorbers of electromagnetic waves or systems for polishing very precise optics. Another part of his scientific interest is directed to the rheology of dispersion systems based on natural polymers. He is the co-author of 98 publications with approximately 1870 citations recorded in the Web of Science database. 

  • 2024
                Director, University Institut, Tomas Bata University in Zlín (since 09/2024)
  • 2013-2024
    Academic member in Tomas Bata University in Zlín Senate (until 08/2024)
  • 2023
                Professor – Surface Engineering
  • 2021
                Research stay at Johannes Kepler University Linz (Linz, Austria)
  • 2017-2020
    Deputy director of the Centre of Polymer Systems, Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  • 2016
                Conferment of the title Associate professor in the field of Technology of Macromolecular Substances
  • 2013
                Research stay at Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia)
  • 2012
                Rector's award for Dissertation Thesis
  • 2012
                Ph.D., defense of Thesis „Intelligent Fluids – Electro-Rheological (ER) and Magneto-Rheological (MR) Suspensions”
  • 2011
                Stydy stay, Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • 2008
                Ph.D. study in the field of Technology of Macromolecular Substances, Faculty of Technology,
                Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  • 2007
                Becario scholarship for talented students at technical universities
  • 2003-2008
    Master study in Materials, Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  • 1999-2003
    SPŠ Otrokovice, obor Computing in chemistry

Membership of bodies:

Assessor of the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (Engineering, Technology and Materials; Chemistry) (2023–present)

Member of Evaluation panel P106 – Technical Chemistry, Czech Science Foundation (2019–2023)

Project evaluator, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (2019–present)

External grant projects evaluator, OP PIK Priority part I (2020)

Academic member in Tomas Bata University in Zlín senate (2013–2019 member of Legislative committee) (2013–2024)

Specialist Board member for double degree doctoral study course Process Engineering, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Technology (2020–present)

Specialist Board member for doctoral study course Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Tomas Bata University in Zlín (2020–present)

Specialist Board member for doctoral study course Tools and Processes, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Technology (2018–2023)

International Organizing Committee member of 2nd European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials (Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary) (2021)

International Organizing Committee member of 4th International Conference on Rheology and Modelling of Materials (Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary) (2019)

Academic member in Tomas Bata University in Zlín senate, member from 2013 (Legislative committee)

Fields of scientific interest:

  • Systems responding to external physical fields

    Electromagnetic compatibility

    Rheology of dispersion systems

    H-index: 29

Michal Sedlačík ORCID

Implemented R&D projects:

LUABA24039 „Development of magnetoactive elastomeric SurfAces with controlled wettability for functional Liquid ManipulatiON – SALMON“, provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS), 2024–2026, principal investigator

23-07244S „Anisotropic Magnetorheological Elastomers with Controlled Electrical Properties”, provider: The Czech Science Foundation (GACR), 2023–2025, principal investigator

OP VVV CZ.02.2.69/0.0/16_028/0006243 „The Development of Capacity for Research and Development of TBU in Zlín“, provider: MEYS, 2017–2022, implementer of the international cooperation strategy

OP PIK CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_358/0027904 „Mixing recycled plastic materials and monitoring their resulting mechanical properties”, provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT), 2022, principal investigator

17-24730S “Novel Magnetorheological Elastomers Based on Modified Magnetic Fillers”, provider: GACR, 2017–2019, principal investigator

LO1504 „Centre of Polymer Systems Plus”, provider: MEYS, 2016–2020, head of research programme (deputy director)

OP PIK EG15_019/0004549 “Incombustible systems according to EN 45545 for the production of composites – Nehor45545”, provider: MIT, 2016–2019, co-investigator

GJ16-20361Y “Smart systems based on modified graphene oxide particles”, provider: GACR, 2016–2018, member of research team

TH01011438 “Development of Polyurethane Matrixes for Composite Production”, provider: The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR), 2015–2017, co-investigator

14-32114P “The modification of magnetic filler and the study of its use in magnetorheological systems”, provider: GACR, 2014–2016, principal investigator

TE01020216 “Centre of Advanced Polymeric and Composite Materials”, provider: TACR, 2012–2015, member of research team

CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0111 “Centre of Polymer Systems”, provider: MŠMT, 2011–2015, member of research team

202/09/1626 “Intelligent Fluids and Composites with Controllable Structure”, provider: GACR, 2009–2013, member of research team

104/09/H080 “Plasmochemical Processes and their Technological Applications”, provider: GACR, 2009–2012, member of research team

Research outputs:

Papers published in international journals with impact factor (H-index: 29):

ORCID: 0000-0003-3918-5084

Publications in national reviewed journals:

  1. SEDLAČÍK, M., ALMAJDALAWI, S., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., KUŘITKA, I.: Electrorheological properties of suspensions of rod-like titanium oxide/polypyrrole particles. Plasty a Kaučuk, vol. 49, sp. issue, 2012, p. 33-35.

Other works indexed in Scopus database:

  1. KÚDELČÍK, J., BURY, P., HARDOŇ, S., SEDLAČÍK, M., PLACHÝ, T.: Acoustic investigation of the structure of magneto-rheological fluid. Communications – Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina, vol. 19(3), 2017, p. 51-56.
  2. DVOŘÁK, Z., HNÁTKOVÁ, E., SEDLAČÍK, M.: Mold surface contamination during polymer processing. Manufacturing Technology, vol. 16(1), 2016, p. 63-69.

Book chapter:

  1. MUNTEANU, A., SEDLACIK, M. Progress in Surface Functionalized Particle-based Magnetorheological Composites. In: Magnetic Soft Matter: Fundamentals and Applications, ed. Juan de Vicente, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023, 85–106. ISBN 9781839169762

International conference presentations:

  1. SEDLAČÍK, M. Tailoring of silicone elastomer’s properties and its use in smart materials. KEYNOTE LECTURE In: The 2nd European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials (ed. GÖMZE, L.A.), 2021, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Maďarsko. ISBN 978-615-6071-02-6
  2. SEDLAČÍK, M., MOUČKA, R., KUTÁLKOVÁ, E., CVEK, M., BÍLEK, O: Effect of Percolation Threshold on the Piezo-Resistive Behavior of Magnetorheological Elastomers. In: 4th International Conference on Rheology and Modelling of Materials (ed. GÖMZE, L.A.), 2019, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Maďarsko. ISBN 978-615-6071-00-2
  3. MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M. RONZOVÁ, A: Magnetorheological Elastomers as an Effective Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Materials. In: 4th International Conference on Rheology and Modelling of Materials (ed. GÖMZE, L.A.), 2019, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Maďarsko. ISBN 978-615-6071-00-2
  4. KUTÁLKOVÁ, E., PLACHÝ, T., SEDLAČÍK, M: Electrorheological Fluid Based on Cellulose Particles: Optimization of Measuring Procedure. In: 4th International Conference on Rheology and Modelling of Materials (ed. GÖMZE, L.A.), 2019, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Maďarsko. ISBN 978-615-6071-00-2
  5. SEDLAČÍK, M., CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M: The Recyclable Magnetorheological Elastomers Based on Thermoplastic Elastomer Matrix. In: The 16th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2018, College Park, Maryland, USA.
  6. KUTÁLKOVÁ, E., MRLÍK, M., ILČÍKOVÁ, M., OSIČKA, J., SEDLAČÍK, M., MOSNÁČEK, J: Grafting of the poly[2-(trimethylsilyloxy)ethyl methacrylate] from the graphene oxide by SI-ATRP technique leading towards improved wettability, sedimentation stability and electrorheological performance. In: The 16th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2018, College Park, Maryland, USA.
  7. CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M., ILČÍKOVÁ, M., SEDLAČÍK, M., MOSNÁČEK, J: The Preparation of Stable Magnetorheological Gels Based on the Polyoxazoline Matrix. In: The 16th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2018, College Park, Maryland, USA.
  8. MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M., KUTÁLKOVÁ, E: Magnetorheological Elastomers: Electric Properties versus Microstructure. In: 2nd International Conference on Environment, Chemical Engineering & Materials, 2018, Sliema, Malta.
  9. SEDLAČÍK, M., PLACHÝ, T., VÁCLAVKOVÁ, D: The Surface Modification of Magnetic Particles with Polyamidoamine Dendron. In: 2nd International Conference on Environment, Chemical Engineering & Materials, 2018, Sliema, Malta.
  10. SEDLAČÍK, M., CVEK, M., MOUČKA, R., SÝKOROVÁ, L., BÍLEK, O., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P: Electromagnetic Shielding of Elastomers Containing Particles with Enhanced Wettability. In: Polymers – Site of Advanced Horizons and Ambits (ed. HAUSNEROVÁ, B.), 2018, Zlín, Czech Republic.
  11. KUTÁLKOVÁ, E., PLACHÝ, T., OSIČKA, J., CVEK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M: Iron(II) Oxalate Micro-Rods as Promising Material for Electrorheology. In: Polymers – Site of Advanced Horizons and Ambits (ed. HAUSNEROVÁ, B.), 2018, Zlín, Czech Republic.
  12. CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M: Magnetorheological Behavior of Poly(2-Isopropenyl-2-Oxazoline)-Grafted Magnetic Particles in Physiological Solution. In: Polymers – Site of Advanced Horizons and Ambits (ed. HAUSNEROVÁ, B.), 2018, Zlín, Czech Republic.
  13. SEDLAČÍK, M., PLACHÝ, T., KRATINA, O: Magneto-Rheological Elastomers Based on EPDM with Sponge-Like Structure. In: 3rd International Conference on Rheology and Modelling of Materials (ed. GÖMZE, L.A.), 2017, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary.
  14. CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M: Effect of carbon nano-additives on performance and stability properties of magnetorheological fluids. In: 3rd International Conference on Rheology and Modelling of Materials (ed. GÖMZE, L.A.), 2017, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary.
  15. CVEK, M., PLACHÝ, T., OSIČKA, J., KUTÁLKOVÁ, E., MRLÍK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M: Ferrous oxalate micro-rods as a promising material for electrorheology. In: 3rd International Conference on Rheology and Modelling of Materials (ed. GÖMZE, L.A.), 2017, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary.
  16. CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M., ILČÍKOVÁ, M., SEDLAČÍK, M., MOSNÁČEK, J., PAVLÍNEK, V: Magnetorheological elastomers with tailored performance and stability properties based on multifunctional core-shell particles with different shell thicknesses. In: 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (ed. FERREIRA, J.M., VIOLA, E., TORNABENE, F., FANTUZZI, N.), 2017, Bologna, Italy.
  17. MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M., CVEK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V: Dielectric Behavior of Structured Magnetorheological Elastomers. In: 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (ed. FERREIRA, J.M., VIOLA, E., TORNABENE, F., FANTUZZI, N.), 2017, Bologna, Italy.
  18. CVEK, M., MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M., BABAYAN, V., PAVLÍNEK, V: Shielding and magnetorheological performance of elastomers containing silane–modified carbonyl iron particles. In: 15thInternational Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2016, Incheon, Korea.
  19. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., PLACHÝ, T.: On the Improvement of Magnetorheological Elastomer Oxidation Stability. In Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society (ed. KÁDÁR, R.), 2015, vol. 23, p. 191-194. ISBN 978-91-637-9104-8
  20. PLACHÝ, T., SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Influence of temperature on the electrorheological effect. In: Nordic Workshop on Soft Matter Physics, 2014, Oslo, Norway.
  21. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Tensiometric Study of Magnetorheological Suspensions' Stability. In: 14thInternational Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2014, Granada, Spain.
  22. PEER, P., STĚNIČKA, M., SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., FILIP, P.: Magnetorheological Behaviour of PEO Solutions with Magnetic Nanoparticles. In: 14thInternational Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2014, Granada, Spain.
  23. CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M., ILČÍKOVÁ, M., PLACHÝ, P., SEDLAČÍK, M., MOSNÁČEK, J., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Magnetorheology of suspensions based on carbonyl iron particles coated with poly(glycidyl methacrylate). In: 14thInternational Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2014, Granada, Spain.
  24. PLACHÝ, T., SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., STEJSKAL, J.: Electrorheology of suspensions based on carbonized poly(p-phenylenediamine) particles. In: 14thInternational Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2014, Granada, Spain.
  25. PLACHÝ, T., SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., STEJSKAL, J., GRAçA, M.P., COSTA, L.C.: Temperature dependent electrorheological effect and its description with respect to dielectric spectra. In: 14th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and  Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2014, Granada, Spain.
  26. SEDLAČÍK, M., ANNAPANDIYAN, S., PLACHÝ, T., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Electrorheological Properties of Polypyrrole–Silver Composite Particles. In: 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer, 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia. ISBN: 978-960-474-307-0
  27. SEDLAČÍK, M., LEHOCKÝ, M., MOZETIČ, M., JUNKAR, I.: Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of various silanes onto carbonyl iron particles. In: 69th IUVSTA Workshop on Oxidation of Organic Materials by Excited Radicals Created in Non-Equilibrium Gaseous Plasma, 2012, Crklje na Gorenjeskem, Slovenia.
  28. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., MOUČKA, R., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Intelligent Fluids – Magnetorheological and Electrorheological Suspensions. In: 4th Bratislava Polymer Scientists workshop, 2012, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia. ISBN 978-80-970923-2-0
  29. MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M., KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., KAZANTSEVA, N., KAMAN, O., SAHA, P.: Magnetite nanoparticles for magnetic mediated hyperthermia. In: 20th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials, 2011, Kos Island, Greece. ISBN 978-960-9534-14-7
  30. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., LEHOCKÝ, M., JUNKAR, I., VESEL, A.: Plasma-treated iron particles with improved oxidation and corrosion stability. In: 4th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies, 2011, Strunjan, Slovenia. ISBN 978-961-92989-3-0
  31. BÍLEK, F., LEHOCKÝ, M., SEDLAČÍK, M., ASADINEZHAD, A., NOVÁK, I., POPELKA, A., ŠTEVIAR, M., JUNKAR, I.: Preparation of active antibacterial polymer substrate via plasma treatment and grafting of acrylic acid. In: 4th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies, 2011, Strunjan, Slovenia. ISBN 978-961-92989-3-0
  32. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P., FILIP, P.: Polymer coated carbonyl iron particles and their magnetorheological suspensions. In: The 4th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, 2011, Corfu, Greece. ISBN 978-1-61804-022-0
  33. ALMAJDALAWI, S., PAVLÍNEK, V., SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., QUADRAT, O.: Preparation and electrorheology of titanium oxide/polypyrrole hollow globular clusters suspensions. In: Conducting polymers: Formation, structure, properties, and applications, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. ISBN 978-80-85009-69-9
  34. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., LEHOCKÝ, M., JUNKAR, I., VESEL, A.: Plasma-induced chemical vapor deposition of octafluorocyclobutane onto carbonyl iron powder. In: 18th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Techniques, 2011, Bohinj, Slovenia. ISBN 978-961-92989-2-3
  35. KAZANTSEVA, N., VILČÁKOVÁ, J., MOUČKA, R., VALÁŠEK, P., SEDLAČÍK, M., HUMPOLÍČEK, P., SÁHA, P.: Maghemite-based nanoparticles from viewpoint of hyperthermia treatment, In: 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, 2010, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  36. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., GRULICH, O., MRÁČEK, A., LEHOCKÝ, M., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P., FILIP, P., VESEL, A.: On the plasma treatment of carbonyl iron particles and their magnetorheology, In: ICAPT 2010, International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies, 2010, Ukanc, Slovenia. ISBN 978-961-90025-9-9
  37. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P., FILIP, P.: The role of annealing temperature on magnetorheological effect of cobalt ferrite particle. In: ERMR 2010, 12th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 2010, Philadelphia, USA. ISBN 978-981-4340-22-9
  38. KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., BABAYAN, V., SEDLAČÍK, M., KUŘITKA, I., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Rapid microwave-assisted method for preparation of magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia treatment. In: NanoBio 2010, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.

Proceedings papers:

  1. MUNTEANU, L., MASAR, M., SEDLACIK, M., KOHL, M., KALENDOVA, A. Magneto-Active Ferrite-Based Paint Pigments. Novel Trends in Rheology IX, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2997, 2023, art. n. 040006 (7 p).
  2. PEER, P., CVEK, M., URBÁNEK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M. Magnetic properties of electrospun polyvinyl butyral/Fe2O3 nanofibrous membranes. NanoCon 2019, 2019, p. 119-123. ISBN 978-80-87294-95-6.
  3. MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M., RONZOVÁ, A. Rheology of uncured magnetorheological elastomers. Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 1527, 2020, art. n. 012012.
  4. MILDE, R., BÍLEK, O., SEDLAČÍK, M., KOVAŘÍK, M.: Construction of magnetorheological device for finishing of non-metallic materials. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 726, iss. 1, 2020, n. 012009 (5 p.).
  5. CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M., ILČÍKOVÁ, M., MOSNÁČEK, J., KRONEK, J., SEDLAČÍK, M.: Grafting of magnetic particles with poly(2-isopropenyl-2-oxazoline). NanoCon 2017, 2018, p. 134-139. ISBN 978-80-87294-81-9.
  6. MRLÍK, M., OSIČKA, J., SEDLAČÍK, M., MOSNÁČEK, J.: Modification of the carbonyl iron particles using si-atrp approach with poly(2-(1h-pyrrole-1-yl)ethyl methacrylate. NanoCon 2017, 2018, p. 134-139. ISBN 978-80-87294-81-9.
  7. CVEK, M., MRLÍK, M., ILČÍKOVÁ, M., MOSNÁČEK, J., SEDLAČÍK, M.: Electrorheological fluids containing graphene oxide sheets grafted with poly(methyl methacrylate). NanoCon 2017, 2018, p. 111-116. ISBN 978-80-87294-81-9.
  8. SEDLAČÍK, M., PLACHÝ, T., VÁCLAVKOVÁ, A.: The surface modification of magnetic particles with polyamidoamine dendron. AIP Conference Proceedings., vol. 2022, 2018, art. n. 020019.
  9. MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M., KUTÁLKOVÁ, E.: Magnetorheological elastomers: Electric properties versus microstructure. AIP Conference Proceedings., vol. 2022, 2018, art. n. 020017.
  10. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Magnetorheology of dimorphic magnetorheological fluids based on iron nanorods. Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 790, 2017, art. n. 012031.
  11. KÚDELČÍK, J., BURY, P., HARDOŇ, S., SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M.: Study of structural changes in magneto-rheological fluids by acoustic spectroscopy. ELEKTRO 11th International Conference, P. Brida, J. Dubovan, M. Markovič, 2016, p. 624-627. ISBN 978-1-4673-8698-2.
  12. ALMAJDALAWI, S., PAVLÍNEK, V., MRLÍK, M., CHENG, Q., SEDLAČÍK, M.: Synthesis and Electrorheological Behavior of Cr-Doped TiO2 Nanorods with Nanocavities Suspensions in Silicone Oil. Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 412, 2013, art. n. 012003.
  13. MRLÍK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P., FILIP, P., SÁHA, P.: Magnetorheology of Carbonyl Iron Particles Coated with Polypyrrole Ribbons: The Steady Shear Study. Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 412, 2013, art. n. 012016.
  14. SEDLAČÍK, M., ALMAJDALAWI, S., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P., STEJSKAL, J., QUADRAT, O.: Viscoelastic Properties of Electrorhological Suspensions of Core-Shell (Carbon/Polyaniline) Particles in Silicone Oil. Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 412, 2013, art. n. 012006.
  15. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., SÁHA, P.: Electrorheological Behavior Under Oscillatory Shear of TiO2 Rod-Like Particles via Microwave-Assisted Molten-Salt Synthesis. Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 412, 2013, art. n. 012002.
  16. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V.; SÁHA, P., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P.; FILIP, P.: Polymer coated carbonyl iron particles and their magnetorheological suspensions. 4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on EMESEG'11, 2011, p. 289-293. ISBN 978-161804022-0.
  17. KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., MRLÍK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., KUŘITKA, I.: Preparation of TiO2 powder by microwave-assisted molten-salt synthesis. NanoCon 2011, 2011, p. 345-351. ISBN 978-80-87294-27-7.
  18. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P., FILIP, P.: Core-shell Structured Polypyrrole-coated Magnetic Carbonyl Iron Microparticles and their Magnetorheology. AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 1375, 2011, p. 284-291.
  19. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P., FILIP, P.: The role of particles annealing temperature on magnetorheological effect. Electro-rheological Fluids and Magneto-rheological Suspensions 2011, 2011, p. 363-368. ISBN 978-981-4340-22-9.

National conference presentations:

  1. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., PLACHÝ, T., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Materiály pro bezpečné dopravní prostředky. In: Plastko 2018, Zlín, Czech Republic, p. 13-14. ISBN 978-80-7464-727-0
  2. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P., STEJSKAL, J.: Electroreologické vlastnosti suspenzí kompozitních částic (uhlík/polyanilín) v silikonovém oleji. In: Plastko 2012, Zlín, Czech Republic. ISBN 978-80-7454-137-7
  3. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., MRLÍK, M., KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., KUŘITKA, I., SÁHA, P. Electrorheological properties of suspensions of TiO2 rod-like particles in silicone oil. In: Plastko 2012, Zlín, Czech Republic. ISBN 978-80-7454-137-7
  4. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., SÁHA, P., ŠVRČINOVÁ, P., FILIP, P., STEJSKAL, J.: Vliv přípravy částic na magnetoreologický efekt a jejich sedimentaci. In Plastko 2010, Zlín, Czech Republic. ISBN 978-80-7318-909-9


  1. TOMAS BATA UNIVERSITY IN ZLÍN. Elastomeric composite with high efficiency of stiffness controlled in magnetic field. Inventors: Michal SEDLAČÍK, Miroslav MRLÍK, Vladimír PAVLÍNEK, Peter KĽŮČIK. Czech Republic. Patent no. CZ 305061 B6. 4. 3. 2015.

Other applied research outputs:

  1. SEDLAČÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., VYROUBAL, R.: Magnetorheological suspension with enhanced oxidation and chemical stability. CZ 24727 U1,2012.
  2. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., KĽŮČIK, P.: Elastomeric composite with high efficiency of stiffness controlled in magnetic field. CZ 26688 U1, 2014.
  3. MILDE, R., KOVAŘÍK, M., BÍLEK, O., SEDLAČÍK, M. Device for polishing of non-metallic materials by magnetorheological suspension. CZ 33 051 U1, 2019.
  4. EDER, M., UHLÍŘ, A., PLACHÝ, T., SEDLAČÍK, M.: Prototype of composite profile manufactured by developer technology fulfilling requirements R1/HL3 according to EN 45545. 2/2019.
  5. SEDLAČÍK, M., KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Liquid for the embolization of blood vessels, 12/2012.
  6. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Magnetorheological suspension with enhanced long-term stability, 13/2012.
  7. KUŘITKA, I., KOŽÁKOVÁ, Z., SEDLAČÍK, M., MOUČKA, R., KAZANTSEVA, N., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Magnetic Nanoparticles of Iron Oxides Prepared by Microwave Synthesis, 19/2012.
  8. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V.: Electrorheological suspension with enhanced electrorheological efficiency, 11/2012.
  9. SEDLAČÍK, M., MRLÍK, M., PAVLÍNEK, V., BABAYAN, V. Elastomeric composite for efficient electromagnetic shielding. 9/2013.
  10. WUNDERLICHOVÁ, L., NEDBÁLEK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M. Two-component low odour adhesive LA022 based on methacrylates. 13/2013.
  11. NEDBÁLEK, M., SEDLAČÍK, M. Mixture PR 251 curable via UV irradiation and heat. 14/2014.
  12. SEDLAČÍK, M., DAĎOVÁ, M. Foil Laminating System with High Thermal Resistance, 37/2014.
  13. MOUČKA, R., SEDLAČÍK, M., OSIČKA, J. Silicone elastomer with modified softness, 16/2021.

Special-purpose publications:

  1. Sedlačík, Michal: Novel Approaches to Design of Intelligent Fluids (Habilitation Thesis), FT TBU in Zlín, 2016
  2. Sedlačík Michal: Intelligent Fluids - Electro-Rheological (ER) and Magneto-Rheological (MR) Suspensions (Dissertation Thesis), FT TBU in Zlín, 2012
  3. Sedlačík Michal: Study of the Synthesis and Characterization of Ceramic Membrane Systems of Fuel Cells Prepared by Means of Sol-Gel Method (Master Thesis), FT TBU in Zlín, 2008

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