Devices for measuring heat-stimulated depolarization currents (TSC)

The thermally stimulated current (TSC) method is based on the measurement of the electrical response of the material (electric current) whose polarization in the external  electric field (when it is fixed by cooling the sample) is subsequently gradually released by heating the sample Compatibility with the Novocontrol impedance analyzer (Concept 50) and the Quatro Cryosystem cryostat Temperature range from -150 ° C to + 200 ° C High sensitivity of polarization current measurements (100 fA)  
  • prof. Ing. Jarmila Vilčáková, Ph.D.
  • +420 57 603 8113
  • A417/U17
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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