Crack Initiation Analyzer

The device serves to characterize fracture parameters in the mechanical initiation of a crack in rubber The crack is a quasi-static, dynamic as well as a cyclical load, with simultaneous loading of the test body in accordance with defined boundary conditions and penetration of the penetrator into the body in the orthogonal direction to the main stress Thanks to the synchronization and drive control, it is possible to apply the cracking   force in the values ​​for determining  the boundary necessary for its initiation as well as determining the structural strength of the rubber Application application is to determine resistance of rubber to foreign body penetration eg tire tread resistance to penetration of edges of road surface unevenness or stones Basic device parameters: Applicable test load modes: Dynamic cyclic - with load frequency 1Hz, feed range ± 10 mm; Quasi-static - at both tension and pressure, in the range of 0.1 to 400 mm / min Geometry of Pure-shear test specimens with a 1/10 length / width ratio
  • doc. Ing. Radek Stoček
  • +420 57 603 8010
  • A420
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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