Analyzer of CO2, O2, CH4 - Gas chromatograph (GC/FID, TCD, PDD, GC/MS) Shimadzu GCQP2010Ultra

Set of gas chromatographs equipped with the following detectors: • Mass spectrometer – option of direct inlet (MS) • Flame ionization detector (FID) • Thermal conductivity detector (TDC) • Pulse discharge ionization detector (PDD) The system is equipped with the accessory for samples manipulation in headspace and solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) mode. The device is equipped with a pyrolysis unit for evolved gas analyses of the solid and liquid specimens. The application of the device can be found in observation of biodegradation processes. The GC systems can be also used for both qualitative and quantitative analyses of the organic compounds based samples and gases.
  • prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D.
  • +420 57 603 8013
  • A412
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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