
Scanning Spectroscopic Phase Modulated Ellipsometer Uvisel2 (HORIBA) (PEM photoelastic   modulator, 50 kHz) with automatic   goniometer (35-90° with step 0.01°   allowing Variable Angle Spectroscopic   Ellipsometry) The range of wavelengths: 180 – 2200 nm with the resolution better than 0.5 nm and automatic setting of the slits.   The light source is Xenon lamp, 150 W Achromatic optics and imaging system. Fully automated sample stage with horizontal tilt setting Automatic Z-height adjustment: 40mm with Autofocus Computer controlled 200mm x 200mm XYZ stage for automated sample mapping Automated size selection of measuring spot, available for all degrees of light incidence Diameter of measuring size spots is ≤ 40um for 90° Measurement time is shorter than 5 min over the whole range 180-2200 nm with resolution 0.05 eV The ellipsometer allows thickness determination of transparent layers with thickness up to 40 um. Software DeltaPsi2
  • prof. Ing. et . Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
  • +420 57 603 8049
  • A418
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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