Impendance dielectric spectroscopy Novocontrol Concept 50

The device enables accurate electric/dielectric characterization of materials in wide frequency (from 3 μHzto 40MHz), impedance (from 0.01 Ωto 10–14 Ω) and temperature (from –160 to +400 °C) range all at extremely high loss facto resolution Liquid cell enables one to use the systemnot just for measurement of solid samples but also liquid ones Technique can be employed in a wide variety of scientific fields such as microstructural characterization, biomolecular interaction and fuel cell testing
  • prof. Ing. et . Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
  • +420 57 603 8049
  • A418
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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