
TBU CPS had one year to develop an internal gap analysis intended to match the current real-life practice at TBU CPS against the principles laid down in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Interview surveys and focus groups have already been conducted as part of this process – one that results into an action plan as a basis for taking measures seeking to implement those principles.

Initiation stage – 2018

Step description                                                              Step deadline
Gap analyses produced                                                 01–09 2018
Interview survey                                                               03 2018
Focus groups                                                                      05 2018
Action plan                                                                          06–09 2018

Send the gap analysis and the action plan to the European Commission 21 November 2018

Implementation stage 2019–2022

Step description                                                                                                         Step deadline
Step implemented as per action plan                                                              Once HR Award is received
Internal evaluation of the initial gap analysis and the action plan      2 years after the Award is received
External evaluation by the European Commission                                     3 years after the internal evaluation

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