The current stage

1. Gap analysis

Drafting HRS4R is based on analysing how the EC&C principles are currently applied in the CPS setting, and identifying weaknesses (gap analysis). The analysis made use of the following methods: analysing the wording of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (ECH&C); analysing the national legislation relating to the ethical behaviour of research organizations; analysing the standards that drive the ethical conduct of the TBU staff; analysing the standards that drive the ethical conduct of the CPS staff; reviewing the best practices relating to the ethical conduct of staff members and managers of research organizations in selected EU countries; and analysing the opinions of CPS staff members and managers on to what extent each of the EC&C principles are applied in the TBU CPS setting.

Opinions of CPS staff and managers on the degree to which each of the EC&C principles are applied were analysed by means of a questionnaire survey. The survey comprised of a total of 40 principles laid down by EC&C as general rules and requirements detailing the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers, management, employers and stakeholders. Through each of the questionnaire items the respondents rated the extent to which the principle is applied in the setting of that workplace. The forty EC&C principles are split into four groups as part of the questionnaire: A. Ethical and professional aspects; B. Recruitment; C. Labour conditions and social security; D. Learning and training.

All of the CPS researchers, research group leaders and managers became involved in the survey. To obtain the views of respondents who are able to assess the in-house CPS setting from the outside due to the close cooperation, a group of external CPS partners was included in the participant group. The partners were selected by the management of CPS in a manner that makes sure that the entities include companies based in the Zlín Region and throughout the Czech Republic, 100% Czech companies and firms incorporating foreign capital, businesses of all sizes from small to large, and companies with different rates of existing cooperation.

 GAP analysis (the summary of the individual steps)

  • Study of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
  • Analysis of the national legislation relating to the ethical conduct of research organizations
  • Analysis of the TBU standards relating to the ethical conduct of research organizations
  • Analysis of the UNI (CPS) standards relating to the ethical conduct of research organizations
  • Review of the best practices relating to the ethical conduct of research organizations in EU countries
  • Consultation of the development of the gap analysis with the co-ordinator at CEBIA-Tech (FAI)
  • Preparation of a questionnaire survey and development of a questionnaire
  • Execution of the questionnaire survey
  • Implementation of education activities relating to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers

Business trip to exchange knowledge in the field of strategic management of research organisations in line with HR Award principles: University of Southampton and Portsmouth University, the UK; Technical University Delft and Leiden University, the Netherlands

2. Action plan

Focus Group (FG) became the method of choice to produce draft measures and develop an action plan to carry out the proposed measures to amend the management of human resources in accordance with EC&C principles.  Three groups were formed of FG participants; they included CPS research staff, research group leaders and managers, as well as external partners.

As part of the opening of the FG meeting, the participants were informed on the results of the gap analysis; subsequently, they were suggesting – through managed discussion – measures to eliminate the weaknesses in applying the EC&C principles in the CPS setting. The discussion aimed at formulating relevant measures for short-term (1 year) and long-term horizons of the implementation.

3. Send the gap analysis and the action plan to the European Commission on 21 November 2018

The gap analysis and the action plan were sent, in the form of the specified templates, to the European Commission for evaluation.

4. HR AWARD received in March 2019

 Internal assessmet of Gap analysis and implementation of Action plan measures

The Internal assessment report on gap analysis, on the implementation and updating of the measures of the action plan was sent to the EC on February 23, 2021.

6. EC evaluators' report, Implementation Phase Interim Assessment - EC Consensus Report.

The EC Consensus Report assessing the progress of the first phase of HRS4R implementation and the possession of the HR Award certificate was sent to UNI/CPS via e-tool on the Euraxess portal on May 18, 2021. The EC assessment is positive, with no comments. UNI/CPS continues to hold the HR Award and to implement the Action Plan for HRS4R. The deadline for renewal the HR Award (EC Renewal Assessmnet) is in three years, i.e. 05/2024.

7. HR Award Renewal (EC Renewal Assessment).

An Internal Review for Renewal Assessment was prepared and the Euraxess e-tool was sent on February 9, 2024.

GAP Analysis, Action Plan

1. Process Description_EURAXESS_HRS4R



4. Action Plan_ EURAXESS_HRS4R


Questionnaire survey in 2018

The Legend to the Graph: Opinions of staff at CPS, TBU in Zlín on the level of implementation of individual EC&C principles.

The respondents used a four-point valuation scale: 1 to 4, where: 1 = Full implementation of the principles; 2 = the principles are almost, but not fully implemented; 3 = The principles are partially implemented; 4 = The principles are insufficiently implemented.

Individual items:
1. Research Freedom
2. Ethical Principles
3. Professional Responsibility
4. Professional Approach
5. Contractual and Legislative Responsibilities
6. (Personal) responsibility
7. Good Practice in Research
8. Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
9. Public Obligations
10. Non-discrimination
11. Valuation System
12. Recruitment
13. Recruitment (Codex)
14. Selection
15. Transparency
16. Merit Evaluation
17. Changes in the Chronological Order of CVs
18. Mobility Experience Recognition
19. Qualification Recognition
20. Service Age
21. Nomination as a  Post-Doctoral Student
22. Professional Recognition
23. Research Environment
24. Working Conditions
25. Stabilitay and Permancy of Employment
26. Financing and Wages/Salaries
27. Gender Equality
28. Career development
29. The Value of Mobility
30. Access to Professional Advisory Services
31. Right to Intellectual Property
32. Co-authorship
33. Tuition
34. Complaints and Appeals
35. Participation in Decisive Subjects
36. Relationships with Supervisory Persons
37. Responsibilities Associated With Controls and Management
38. Continual Professional Development
39. Access to Education and the Continual Development of Research Staff
40. Controls

The next steps

CPS researchers were informed on the results of the questionnaire survey and on the measures being developed as part of the action plan; this took place at a joint meeting with the CPS management held on 12 December 2018. Members of research staff will continue to take part – on an ongoing basis – in training and education in the field of strategic management of research organizations; human resources; Open, Transparent, Merit Based Recruitment (OTM-R) principles; and financial management. In addition, activities will continue to be available for PhD students to improve their quality and competitiveness in science and research, as well as for post-doctoral students and junior researchers (5 years after achieving the doctoral degree) to enhance their knowledge as part of personal and career development.

The first steps in implementing HRS4R are to elaborate strategies and methodological materials to support doctoral students, career development of researchers, evaluation of researchers, representation of women in research and development, internal evaluation of the research organization, international collaboration in research and development and internationalization of the research organization, knowledge transfer from research to practice, popularization of research and development.

In addition, 14 measures (actions) from the Action Plan including OTM-R measures (actions) will be gradually addressed. Working teams are set up to deal with individual measures, where CPS researchers are represented.

Internal assessment of the gap analysis and the implementation process of the Action Plan measures, and updating of the measures of the Action Plan - two years after the acquisition of the HR Award, March 2021.

External assessment of the gap analysis and the implementation process of the Action Plan measures, with the participation of EC evaluators - three years after the internal evaluation, March 2024.

Research staff members are kept updated on project progress through the CPS/TBU websites, CPS Facebook profile, CPS newsletter circulated to staff via email, InfoPoint, posters installed on walls and as part of stairways in the CPS premises, and printed media (Universalia, the Zlínský deník newspaper, and technical journals).

Questionnaire survey in 2023

The questionnaire survey took place from October 13, 2023 to October 31, 2023. The questionnaire was accessible online and a link to it was sent by email. A total of 43 respondents answered. The results of the questionnaire will be discussed by the HR working group, which will propose the next course of action.

The Legend to the Graph: Opinions of staff at UNI/CPS, TBU in Zlín on the level of implementation of individual EC&C principles.

The respondents used a four-point valuation scale: 1 to 4, where: 1 = Full implementation of the principles; 2 = the principles are almost, but not fully implemented; 3 = The principles are partially implemented; 4 = The principles are insufficiently implemented.

Individual items:
1. Research Freedom
2. Ethical Principles
3. Professional Responsibility
4. Professional Approach
5. Contractual and Legislative Responsibilities
6. (Personal) responsibility
7. Good Practice in Research
8. Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
9. Public Obligations
10. Non-discrimination
11. Valuation System
12. Recruitment
13. Recruitment (Codex)
14. Selection
15. Transparency
16. Merit Evaluation
17. Changes in the Chronological Order of CVs
18. Mobility Experience Recognition
19. Qualification Recognition
20. Service Age
21. Nomination as a  Post-Doctoral Student
22. Professional Recognition
23. Research Environment
24. Working Conditions
25. Stabilitay and Permancy of Employment
26. Financing and Wages/Salaries
27. Gender Equality
28. Career development
29. The Value of Mobility
30. Access to Professional Advisory Services
31. Right to Intellectual Property
32. Co-authorship
33. Tuition
34. Complaints and Appeals
35. Participation in Decisive Subjects
36. Relationships with Supervisory Persons
37. Responsibilities Associated With Controls and Management
38. Continual Professional Development
39. Access to Education and the Continual Development of Research Staff
40. Controls

Preparation of the defense of the HR Award EC CPS – EC Renewal Assessment, 05/2024

The HR Award EC defense has two steps:

  • Processing of the Internal Review for Renewal Assessment (e-tool on the EURAXESS portal) 
  • Preparation of the program and documents for EC evaluators on site, CPS UTB in Zlín, date: will be specified.

A working group was established for the preparation of the defense:

prof. Vladimír Sedlařík
doc. Aleš Gregar
dr. Barbora Hanulíková
dr. Pavel Urbánek
Ing. Martina Dostalová
Ing. Jana Josefíková
Ing. Klára Sedláčková

The working group met on 30 August 2023 (Meeting minutes).

The working group met on December 1, 2023 (Meeting minutes, Annex 1, Annex 2)

The working group met on February 5, 2024 (Meeting minutes)

The working group met on October 24, 2024 (Meeting minutes, presentation)

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