
03/04/2025 Deadline for submitting proposals to the GA CR

01/04/2025 Webinar “Sustainable battery manufacturing -  link

24/03/2025 Selection procedure for teaching mobility within the Erasmus+ program for the academic year 2025/2026

14/03/2025 Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action & project CELISE - Sustainable production of Cellulose-based  products and additives to be used in SMEs and rural areas 

12/03-14/03/2025 Elections to the Academic Senate 

12/03/2025 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

10/03/2025 Představení kandidátů do Akademického senátu UTB (CZ)

28/02/2025; 05/03/2025 Semináře s předsedou Grantové agentury ČR (CZ)

28/02/2025 Školení Grafický vektorový editor Inkscape (CZ)

12/02/2025 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

11/02/2025 Women in Science & Research: Voices from Far That Bring Strength and Overcoming

06/02/2024 Gumference

16/01/2025 Meeting of the academic staff and students not belonging to any of the faculties of TBU

09/01/2025 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

Announcement of Internal Competiton Suuport fot International Cooperation for 2025


12/12/2024 Code of Ethics

12/12/2024 Mission, Vision, Strategy

12/12/2024 Employee's meeting

12/12/2024 CPS Advisory Council

29/11/2024 Meeting of the academic staff and students not belonging to any of the faculties of TBU

19/11/2024 Webinář Komercialiazce výsledků výzkumu a vývoje z právního a ekonomického pohledu (CZ)

31/10/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

27/9/2024 Seminar Etika výzkumu na UTB (CZ)

5/9/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

1/8/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

11/7/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

30/6/2024 Deadline Falling Walls Lab

12/6/2024 Workshop Moodle - studentská náštěnka (CZ)

12/6/2024 Deadline for Western Balkan - Visegrad Fellowships

5/6/2024 Employee's Meeting

5/6/2024 Seminar Code of Ethics

5/6/2024 Seminar Mission, Vision, Strategy

5/6/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

235/2024 Deadline for Internal competition – Support of International Cooperation 2024

22-23/5/2024 Webinar Understanding & Shaping the Business Innovation - Business Modellung & Use Cases for Batteries

21/5/2024 Seminar AZV k nové soutěži VES 2025 (CZ) 

14/5/2024 Proces nákupu na UTB (CZ)

2/5/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

29/4/2024 Školení Jak pracovat se studenty v akutní krizi (CZ)

4/4/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

27/3/2024 Online COST Info Day 

21/3/2024 Science café - Lék na rakovinu:  Fikce nebo realita? (CZ)

14/3/2024 Seminář k projektové výzbě RP CPS 2024+ (CZ)

7/3/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes)

12/3/2024 WebinarFabrication of Battery Electrodes and Assembly 

7/3/2024 Workshop CZARMA - Obnova HR Excellence in Research Award (CZ)

28/2/2024 Announcing the results of the elections of regular representatives of academic staff and students with affiliation to the University Institute

26/2/2024 Workshop Introduction to techno-economic assessments

16/2/2024 Publication of the list of candidates for the election of full representatives of academic staff and students with affiliation to the University Institute

1-15/2/2024 The possibility to run for the elections of regular representatives of academic staff and students with affiliation to the University Institute

8/2/2024 Gumference 2024

8/2/2024 CPS Advisory Council (meeting minutes

23/2/2024 Seminář s předsedou Grantové agentury České republiky (CZ)

31/1/2024 Webinar How to Do Research adn Get Publisher Webinar Series 

29/1/2024 Deadline for Erasmus+ training of TBU employees abroad in the academic year 2024/2025

24/1/2024 Webinar Life Cycle Costing of Batteries, challenges and outlooks

24/1/2024 Meeting of academic staff and students of the University Institute

Revised Charter and Code of Conduct for Researchers The EU Council adopted on 18/12/2023 "Recommendation on a European framework for attracting and retaining research, innovation and entrepreneurial talent in Europe". It also includes the revised European Charter for Researchers.

Announced Internal Competition Support for International Cooperation for 2024 

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