Implementation of the action plan

1 Set mission, vision and, strategy for UNI/CPS

Current Status COMPLETED

2 Adapt the TBU Code of Ethics to UNI/CPS

Current Status COMPLETED

4 Establish a transparent system of work evaluation at UNI/CPS

Current Status COMPLETED

5 Set the internal UNI/CPS standard for the recruitment of employees

Current Status COMPLETED

6 Create Employee Handbook for UNI/CPS staff

Current Status COMPLETED

7 Set up an internal UNI/CPS standard for the selection procedure

Current Status COMPLETED

8 Establish an internal standard for a postdoctoral post at the UNI/CPS

Current Status COMPLETED

9 Establish an internal UNI/CPS standard for equal opportunities of men and women

Current Status COMPLETED

10 Establish an internal UNI/CPS standard for the career development of researchers

Current Status COMPLETED

11 Establish an internal UNI/CPS standard for supervisor’s responsibilities

Current Status COMPLETED

12 Create an offer for continuing professional development of UNI/CPS researchers

Current Status COMPLETED

13 Create a communication platform for UNI/CPS researchers

Current Status COMPLETED

14 Create a communication platform for UNI/CPS researchers and the entire TBU Community

Current Status COMPLETED

Info TBU

New AP measure

N1 Make sure that a Welcome Office is available to UNI/CPS employees from abroad as a service

Current Status COMPLETED

Welcome Office handbook
Welcome Office procedure

N2 Make sure that an information service of Welcome Day is available to new staff entering UNI/CPS

Current Status COMPLETED

Welcome Day

N3 Support the adaptation of new entrants to UNI/CPS through a measure of “Individual adaptation schedule”

Current Status COMPLETED

Individual adaptation plan

N4 Encourage employee engagement in the process of implementing the HRS4R at UNI/CPS

Current Status COMPLETED

HRS4R plan

N5 Create system of transparent evaluation of staff 

Current Status IN PROGRESS

N6 Create Strategy for effective development and utilizaion of UNI/CPS infrastructure for the needs of comtemporary society

Current Staus IN PROGRESS

N7 To support the development of professional competences of workers ensuring the implementation and development of school-wide study programs

Current Status IN PROGRESS

N8 Equal representation of UNI academic staff within the TBU Academic Senate

Current Status IN PROGRESS

N9 Develop a system of vertical communication at UNI/CPS

Current Status IN PROGRESS

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