Fluorescence-activated cell sorting BD FACSCanto II (Flow cytometry)

Device for separation, characterization and quantification of cells. Instrument is fully digital flow cytometer with two excitation sources - 488nm (1st laser) and 633 nm (2nd laser) having following parameters: - fully automated handling of microtiter plates - sorting module for fast depletion - laser beams noncolinear – spatially separated - 8 detectors (6 fluorescent and 2 detectors intended for light scattering measurements FSC and SSC) - volume of samples less than 50 ul - maximum sample flow rate 120 ul/min
  • prof. Ing. et . Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
  • +420 57 603 8049
  • A418
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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